Massage Therapy plays an essential part in the weight loss programmes at Weight Care Centre, as it completes the nutrition and fitness plans.
Here are three of the reasons why Massage Therapy can help you in your weight loss journey:
- It reduces the Cortisol levels
After physical or emotional stress, cortisol is produced and among its negative effects are: increased appetite and fat deposits, suppressed immune system, increased blood pressure and blood sugar and decreased serotonin levels. Massage Therapy has the ability to reduce the circulating levels of cortisol, therefore helping in reducing your physical and emotional stress.
- It helps your muscles recovery
Massage Therapy aids in muscle recovery. It increases flexibility, blood circulation and the removal of waste products that surface during workouts. The massage also prevents scar tissue by stretching the connective tissue. When massaging the muscles, the therapist increases the ammount of oxygen they receive which helps in the recovery process. When the muscles recover faster, you can resume your workout programme quicker and continue towards reaching your goal.
- It improves your mental and emotional well-being
Massage Therapy also calms the body and mind, as it enhances body awareness and relaxes your muscles. It also has a sedative effect on the nervous system, which can increase your well-being and decrease anxiety levels. You will surely feel its beneficial effects right after your first session!
At Weight Care Centre you can choose between Swedish Massage, Sports Massage – also known as deep-tissue massage and Aromatherapy Massage. The sessions vary between 25 minutes and 1h.