Good morning and happy Monday beautiful people! A fresh new week and new start to keep persevering with your goals, and put behind you whatever troubles or difficulties that you had last week and start this week with a new mindset.
Working out in confidence
We’ve all been there, guiltily munching that second bar of chocolate when you promised yourself that this was going to be the week that you started eating healthily and going to the gym regularly to kick start your weight loss goals. The trouble is, the idea of going to the gym and working out in front a whole host of strangers who all seem to know what they’re doing, is nerve racking, makes you feel uncomfortable and puts you off wanting to go. Your not alone! Many of us dread the idea of working out in front of people we don’t know or running in public as we feel self conscious, embarrassed and afraid of being judged by other people. If this sounds like the reason that you are putting off starting your weight loss journey then we have just the solution.
Sweat to Fit
We're excited to introduce to you our new series of fitness videos 'Sweat to Fit!' that are designed to take any confusion or guess work out of your exercise regime.