We’ve all been there, guiltily munching that second bar of chocolate when you promised yourself that this was going to be the week that you started eating healthily and going to the gym regularly to kick start your weight loss goals. The trouble is, the idea of going to the gym and working out in front a whole host of strangers who all seem to know what they’re doing, is nerve racking, makes you feel uncomfortable and puts you off wanting to go. Your not alone! Many of us dread the idea of working out in front of people we don’t know or running in public as we feel self conscious, embarrassed and afraid of being judged by other people. If this sounds like the reason that you are putting off starting your weight loss journey then we have just the solution.
How to feed your motivation
We all have days when we run out of motivation and the thought of doing something positive seems impossible. This weeks motivational Monday post is all about feeding and nurturing your motivation if you're at a point where you feel like you've completely run out of steam.
Sunday Roundup
We're excited to bring you the second edition in our Sunday Round up series, where we collate all our favourite health, fitness, nutrition and food articles from the week in to one handy blogpost to share with you. This week we have blog posts on what to eat when you're feeling sick, our favourite foodie and fitness accounts and advice on how to enjoy treats the healthy well. Make yourself a cup of peppermint tea, crawl back in to bed and settle down for this weeks dose of health inspiration.
Sweat to Fit
We're excited to introduce to you our new series of fitness videos 'Sweat to Fit!' that are designed to take any confusion or guess work out of your exercise regime.
Motivational Monday
Happy Monday! Following on from our Sunday round up posts we are excited to introduce the first in our series of Motivational Mondays blog posts, to kick start your week with some health and fitness inspiration.
Inspirational health : Sunday roundup
With health and fitness being a number one consumer trend for 2016, we’ve seen a recent explosion of inspirational recipe ideas, nutrition tips and health posts, springing up from all corners of the web. With a passion for anything health related, we’re always on the look out for inspirational content that we can share with our customers and chat about over a herbal tea or a good Personal training session in the gym! Every Sunday we’re excited to share with you a round up of our favourite health and fitness articles, posts, recipes and videos from the week that we loved and we hope you’ll love to!
How to avoid being an emotional eater
A list of things you can do as healthier alternatives when you feel yourself going on that emotional down.
Oxygen therapy
With the indulgence of the Winter festivities now well and truly behind us, at Inspire we're looking forward to the clean slate the New Year brings and the glow of Spring time to help rejuvenate our skin that has been a left feeling a little bit dull and dehydrated after all the celebrations.